by Jerome Kessler

Breathes there not a higher man

Than the noble fireman.

On his trusty truck he goes,

Carrying his ax and hose.

None is braver, stronger, badder

Than the lad with hook and ladder.

Accompanied by his Dalmatian,

He waters down a fiery nation.

Ladies’ hearts beat ever quicker

When they see him doff his slicker,

Grasp his nozzle in his hand -- 

Mightiest male in the land.

Pulses pound, composures fail

When they hear the siren wail. 

Eagerly they seize a chance

To glimpse him fill his fireproof pants. 

O’ members of the fairer sex,

So as not his soul to vex,

Please be genteel, if you can,

When serviced by the fireman.

Copyright ©  1997  I Cellisti Publications